We’re always touched to hear from parents of our young ONE TO ONE readers.

And especially touched when their messages are as heartwarming as the note we received from Sylvia, who wrote to us this summer:

“I really really wanted to let you know the program has been amazing for my son Robin.

He spent September to December pretending to read during silent reading time. He had no interest in reading, and likely felt daunted by it as ‘everyone else’ could read and he was frustrated.

He went from only knowing his ABCs in January to reading at grade level in June (as stated in his report card). This is all due to your program in conjunction with his resource teacher. I believe the one-on-one time provided the non-judgment, patience and support he needed to learn to read.

Your program is so inspiring. I realize now firsthand what a huge difference this can make for a child. I work full-time now and have another kid entering kindergarten… but eventually I would love to volunteer as a tutor and work with young kids. Such a worthwhile way to spend time and make a huge difference in someone’s life.”

We recently had the chance to catch up with Robin again.

When we connected at the library a few weeks ago, he eagerly grabbed books from the shelves, read aloud to his mom Sylvia, and proudly showed off his beloved, dog-eared Pokémon book. “He reads to me about 3 or 4 different Pokémon every day,” Sylvia told us.

Robin has come a long way from the Grade 1 student who had no interest in reading last year and spent silent reading time staring at letters that he didn’t understand.

His mom Sylvia again told us how things began to change when he met his ONE TO ONE tutor: fear faded away and a new space opened up where he felt safe and encouraged.

And today? “He’s continuing to read on his own” Sylvia shared.”

It’s great when he can find a new series”, adding that he is always on the lookout for science and nature books.


If you’re as inspired as we are by Robin’s story, please consider donating to our 2023 winter campaign. We’re halfway to our goal of raising $40,000 to ensure more kids like Robin can access our programs free of charge.

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